Today is one of those days when i feel like writing something as crazy as'i am sick and tired of being poor,i you feel like helping,here is my account number....blah...blah!!!!just give,out of desire...
Isn't it beautiful?
Tell me your thoughts,do you think i am crazy?If i do write my account number,will you donate?Don't you ever have these kind thoughts?This insn't the introduction i wanted to write,Anyway welcome to my life..
The beginning can be very scarry.Whether is the beginning of 'your first time',of your first (in)pregnancy,first time to school,loss of your milk teeth,your first period(wet dreams),your first exams and etc.There are a lot of first times that marks the beginning of these and that,some scarry,exciting,enchanting,beautiful.

Take for instance these sunset,what do you see? Beauty?I prefer the word scarry so i will tell you what i think.Someone crazy like me will agree.What i see is the beginning of darkness,i see a bloody colour,something like a skeleton head a the top-part of the picture.i see a reflection of fire burning somewhere..Oh God what am i saying?..This is my favourite expression..there are many moments when my thoughts go eerie like these,that you'll encounter as you read my diary.

What i really wanted to say is that,even though the sunset may mark the beginning of darkness,there is always the sunrise with its rays and warmth.i am just beginning,still in a bit of darkness and i am hoping for a beautiful sunrise,just you and is to sunshine rays and warmth!!!Wellcome and thank..feel free to write your perceptions and all..